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7. What type of book do you want?
Simple Memory BooksSaddle-stitch, soft-cover (24-68 pages)Perfect-bound, soft-cover (40+ pages)Casewrap, hard-cover (40+ pages)
8. How many pages is your yearbook?
—Please choose an option—20 pages24 pages28 pages32 pages36 pages40 pages44 pages48 pages52 pages56 pages60 pages64 pages68 pages72 pages76 pages80 pages84 pages88 pages92 pages96 pages100 pages104 pages108 pages112 pages116 pages120 pages124 pages128 pages132 pages136 pages140 pages144 pages148 pages152 pages
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Yearbooks are available in softcover staple-bound, softcover perfect-bound, hardcover wire-bound, and hardcover case-bound.